2 years ago

WARNING: LANGUAGE in description- DO NOT READ IF YOU WILL BE OFFENDED. I saw that disclaimer somewhere & thought it works quite nicely. Thanks, content creator, whoever thought of it! Le policier criminel du Colorado Austin Hopps agresse la patiente atteinte de démence Karen Garner Mise à jour Колорадский криминальный полицейский Остин Хоппс напал на пациента с деменцией Карен Гарнер Обновление COLORADO CRIMINAL COP AUSTIN HOPPS GREIFT DEMENZPATIENTIN KAREN GARNER-UPDATE AN COLORADSKÝ KRIMINÁLNÍ POLICISTA AUSTIN HOPPS NAPADL PACIENTKU S DEMENCÍ KAREN GARNER-UPDATE कोलोराडो आपराधिक पुलिस अधिकारी ऑस्टिन HOPPS हमले मनोभ्रंश रोगी करेन गार्नर-अद्यतन

Great story of March 2,2022 update here:

Three segments showing how corrupt Colorado is- not that anyone living here needs to be told. Why should I bother with the word "former" when they're so proud & allowed to act like this AS a cop? Out on bail??? I should have blown his photo up bigger. By God, it is a JOB REQUIREMENT to be evil, vicious, soulless, no conscience, to be a psychopath & you better have a long record of assaults & murders before you even APPLY. Those are the MINIMUM requirements. Did you sign a deal with the Devil in blood? SIGN ON BONUS! DING DING DING DING! Does Colorado have the death penalty? If they did, I bet it would be just another Gov. Polis photo op law. This, mother fucking cop AND his evil "lady" partner, Daria Jalali, deserve to be tortured. Now THESE are the kind of EVIL people who DESERVE to die by the hospital deadly torture-for-days protocol- a SLOW one. I had the original raw footage from last year up here that was provided by Karen's attorney, Sarah Schielke, took it down. It might still be on her YT channel- it's brutal.
Full assault by both partners here:

Sarah Schielke-The Life & Liberty Law Office-Civil Rights. DUI Defense, Criminal Defense, Case Sealing
1209 Cleveland Ave, Loveland, CO 80537 · ~35.6 mi
(970) 493-1980

Segment 1: Is the US police abusing their power on the vulnerable? Karen Garner arrest | Latest English News
80,284 views Apr 15, 2021
5.98M subscribers
The bodycam video of Garner’s arrest was released on Wednesday with the lawsuit, and it has since gone viral on social media.
#USPolice #BodycamVideo #KarenGarnerArrest
About Channel:
WION -The World is One News, examines global issues with in-depth analysis. We provide much more than the news of the day. Our aim to empower people to explore their world. With our Global headquarters in New Delhi, we bring you news on the hour, by the hour. We deliver information that is not biased. We are journalists who are neutral to the core and non-partisan when it comes to the politics of the world. People are tired of biased reportage and we stand for a globalised united world. So for us the World is truly One.
Segment 2: Video shows Loveland Sergeant dismiss concerns of witness to Karen Garner’s arrest
13,057 views Sep 7, 2021
217K subscribers
Body camera footage shows a Loveland Police sergeant dismissing the concerns of a citizen who witnessed the arrested of Karen Garner.

Segment 3: Former Loveland officer pleads guilty to assault related to Karen Garner's arrest
1,759 views Mar 2, 2022
217K subscribers
Austin Hopp faces two to eight years as a result of the deal, but could get probation.

Colorado Gov. Polis is SO hell-bent on hiding his corrupted state that WION in India covered it pretty early. I have no shame in saying I sent them the story, but as usual, you don't often get a call WHEN they use it. I never expect another country to call me & I sure can't call them (normally). Locally, I may or may NOT get a call. One time, Ch 7 came to interview me but couldn't get to me because the elevators were out. That WAS the story. I told them the apt # I was in, but they didn't realize I was on the 12th. floor. I don't blame them. It was Jessica. She interviewed the neighbors who were outside of the building, so they got their 15 minutes of fame.

Later, when one of them found out it was me who called for the interview, they cussed me out. They said the office manager threatened to evict them if they were ever on the news again. Really. I called her right then & there & asked if she would like to be interviewed for her viewpoint. She growled my name, we glared, I didn't back down & she said, "FINE, I won't threaten anyone again." I told her I better not or there will be hell to pay. I can tell anyone who reads my long descriptions that many will be glad when I'm dead. My true belief is "if you're not part of the solution, you ARE the problem!"

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