7 Proven Fat Burning Foods

7 years ago

Mention the word “diet” and people cringe. It’s natural to assume that weight loss always means eating less. But maybe it’s time we reevaluate how to properly shed pounds while focusing on what we should eat. After all, if we eat the correct foods – ones that will increase fat burning – we are well on our way to achieving our goals.

In today’s video we will put these ‘good’ foods under the microscope.

#1 – Coconut Oil

True, this oil is rich in fat, but it contains medium chain fatty acids. These aren’t stored in a secluded vault around your mid-section. Instead, your body eagerly metabolizes these. The result? Ketones. Ketones are vital ingredients in disintegrating stored fat. In fact, you can burn up an extra 120 calories daily.

#2 – Potatoes

No. Not French fries from those famous restaurant drive-thru chains. We are talking about ones baked or boiled. Researchers conclude that these types of potatoes are the ones that make us feel full. And when that happens, your appetite is curbed. A bonus is that potatoes prepared this way are excellent sources of nutrients, minerals and vitamins.

#3 – Caffeine

Just a single cup of caffeine can boost a person’s metabolism. This kick starts thermogenesis, and immediately, fat starts to burn away.

#4 – Apple Cider Vinegar

Initially, you may flinch at the thought of drinking apple cider vinegar. But actually, in a study conducted several years ago, researchers discovered that participants who consumed as little as 1 – 2 tablespoons daily lowered their body fat accumulation. The acetic acid takes the bow for this. Also, people who regularly consume it typically end up shaving about 250 calories off their plate each day.

#5 – Hot Peppers

Sliding particles of these fiery red peppers under the microscope, researchers spotted something called capsaicin. This is what triggers the body’s natural fat-burning process. Its secret is in the way it regulates certain genes.

#6 – Tuna

Talk about protein! One cup of tuna has a staggering 39 grams of protein. If you are anxious to boost your metabolism so it burns an extra 250 calories a day, then open a can of tuna. Just think – the more tuna you consume, the more you could lose.

#7 – Eggs

Our mornings are typically a routine performed faster than the speed of light. Who has time for eggs when bagels are ready-made. Eggs are loaded with protein, which, like tuna, can rip apart those fat cells. And eggs will leave you feeling full.

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