The Healthiest Breakfast You Can Possibly Eat, According to Dietitians

5 years ago

Have you ever heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day?

But today, with the busy rhythm of our daily lives, many people wake up late, and end up not having breakfast as they should.

Most people end up eating anything, in any way, too fast.

Having a healthy breakfast requires a certain effort, planning, and discipline.

You will need some time to prepare and taste your meals, without any anxiety or hurry.

You need to create the habit of planning your meals beforehand and knowing what you need to buy at the market.

Keeping your fridge and your pantry aligned helps to not ruin your routine.

Taking care of your eating is taking care of your body. Our body is a machine that requires some care to stay active, with health and vigor.

What people say of breakfast being the most important meal of our day is linked to the fact that we go through a period of fasting while we sleep.

During this time, the body uses the reserves of glycogen, which gives energy to the body to keep its metabolic functions at a normal rate.

So, breakfast is essential to restore our energy and activate our body. Knowing how important breakfast is, it is common to have this question:

So, which foods are the most recommended for breakfast?



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