How to Help Extra Dry Hair (Tip 2 of 4)

2 years ago

We're talking tips to get on top of extra dry hair. Here's #2... Leave-in conditioner.

On wash days, use a leave-in conditioner. This is a conditioner that's not meant to rinse out. So you shampoo and condition as usual. Then you apply leave-in conditioner throughout your hair, or you can try just from the ears down, or just on the ends. You don't rinse it out.

You'll also find that a leave-in conditioner helps you detangle and restyle your hair on non-wash days because it's so smoothing and conditioning. Make sure not to overdo, though, or you might lose some volume.

I have a couple more tips headed your way in this series on how to get on top of extra dry hair, so be sure to subscribe and follow. If you'd like any help with your hair, reach out... text me 1-208-516-3615 or message me on Gab @wardee_beauty. I'm happy to help.

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