🇺🇸 Virus fears, cancer fears, microbe fears... enough already! Episode #94

2 years ago

INJECTICIDE (a new word, but appropriate today)! And.... when treatments kill. What I’m learning about the history of all this. Fascinating stuff!
I highly recommend the audible.com book: “Inventing the AIDS Virus” by Peter Duesberg.
Also, I re-watched the 2013 movie: “Dallas Buyers’ Club.” This time, I paused and went back at key points to listen to the golden nuggets of crucial information regarding AIDS and AZT that I had missed on the first go-around.
Back in 1993, I thought that the previously-healthy Arthur Ashe and Rudolph Nureyev had died of AIDS... but no, it seems very clear to me now that they died due to AZT treatment! See page 227 of Robert Kennedy’s book: “The Real Anthony Fauci.”
Hospitals are killing fields. Stay away from them if at all possible! Del Bigtree’s TheHighwire.com this week has a chilling, but also very touching story, of a completely needless (and deliberate?) death of a much-beloved young woman who had Down’s syndrome... and the frantic attempts of her loving family to save her.

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