

    THE STORM IS UPON US: 🇺🇸 "The rights of man come from the hand of God" - JFK 1961 - April 15 2024 the surfacing 50 USC 1550, EO 13818 #STORM - The End of Corporation America, End of Switzerland 🇨🇭 & Liberation of divine Humanity
    NON NEGOTIABLE: Our ongoing Retribution for the Swiss 🇨🇭 Born, Harboured and Executed Global Covid PsyOp & Military Grade Covid BioWeapon Injections Democide - Spring '24 #STORM - Global US🇺🇸 50 USC 1550
    DISCLOSURE: With Sherry B. - A Right To Know, USA🇺🇸: The Acceleration of surfacing the ongoing covert Global US 🇺🇸led Defence War 50 USC 1550 - Spring '24 #STORM with Special Ops Cleansing Focus in Swiss 🇨🇭 Territory
    DISCLOSURE: Pascal Najadi Live auf RT Russia Today 🇷🇺mit CIA 🇺🇸Whistleblower John Kiriakou - Covid Demozid - Schweizer 🇨🇭Regierung, WHO; WEF u.A. sind Schuldig (Deutsche Synchronfassung, RT, Moskau)
    DISCLOSURE - URGENT: "They poisoned all Humans in the world" with Dr. Robert Young, USA - Swiss Territory born Swiss Government Sponsored Global Crime against Humanity & Treason on United States - Swiss in U.S. Crosshairs EO 13818
    DISCLOSURE: My Russian 🇷🇺Orthodox Name is Anastasios and I am aligned with the 🇺🇸USSF - #STORM surfacing Springtime of 2024
    DISCLOSURE: Pascal Najadi - RT Russia Today: President Trump 🇺🇸 & President Putin 🇷🇺 are not guilty of anything in the Covid PsyOp and Democide created out of and with Switzerland"-US Covert Mil. War Op. #STORM Judgement !
    DISCLOSURE: Springtime 2024 - Final End of Swiss 🇨🇭 Political Democratic System & Punishment of all Covid PsyOp Elements Explained - Active EO 13818 Current Wartime President Trump declared the U.S. Global Defence War-USSF🇺🇸
    DISCLOSURE: Pascal Najadi on the TruthStream Show - Current Wartime President & CIC Donald J. Trump «You’ll find out! » - Springtime 2024 ⚡️ Surfacing 🎁
    DISCLOSURE: Spring 2024 - End of Swiss Political Democratic System&Punishing all Covid PsyOp Democide Elements Explained - Active EO 13818 & 50 USC Cpt. 33 Section 1550 by Current Wartime President Trump Declared the Global US Defence War/USSF
    DISCLOSURE: Swiss Govt 🇨🇭is Target of the US 🇺🇸 led Global covert Defence War Military Operation - #STORM ⚡️‼️
    DISCLOSURE: Executed Traitors, Clintons, Obama, VP Biden & Obliterated globalist Deep State - Current Wartime President & CIC Trump’s ongoing covert US Global Defence War - Springtime 2024 #STORM
    DISCLOSURE: 2024 - The Democratic Political System in 🇨🇭Switzerland will be taken down, cancelled and judged, in all 194 nations - The 🇺🇸U.S. / USSF led Global Military Alliance Covert War Operation #STORM - Surfacing soon, also in Switzerland
    DISCLOSURE: Avec Stéphanie Renaud pour Profession Gendarme, Paris, - Wartime Président Donald J. Trump - Operation Clandestine Militaire #STORM - Elimination des Systèmes Politiques Suisse, UE, Monde Entier - Frappe Début 2024 - HARD RESET
    DISCLOSURE: Live TV, New York - Najadi: « WEF, WHO, rogue Swiss 🇨🇭 Government - We caught them all » - US Mil Op #STORM surfacing soon - Beginning 2024
    ⚡️DISCLOSURE: The Global US 🇺🇸Military Operation #STORM 2023/24 - The Film in 4K
    D I S C L O S U R E: - Our 🇺🇸 Stratagems trapped them all - Our Retribution is US Military Op #STORM - All rogue Swiss 🇨🇭 Gov Elements Trapped as well, of course.
    DISCLOSURE: #STORM the 2024 Film we made for you - Or why the 🇨🇭Swiss Political Democracy will be Deleted by the still covert U.S. Military #STORM surfacing Spring 2024
    DISCLOSURE: With US Military Veteran and Friend of the US Wartime President & CIC Donald J. Trump
    DISCLOSURE: Comment on a piégé le Président 🇨🇭 Suisse Alain Berset, Justice Suisse et Swissmedic par nos Stratagèmes
    DISCLOSURE-Najadi on New York Live TV:🇺🇸 Donald J. Trump, current Wartime President - 2024 rogue 🇨🇭Swiss Government elements Supras & Globalists, Schwab, WEF are #Finished
    DISCLOSURE: Wartime President Trump of the USA 🇺🇸- US Military Justice - USSF - Operation STORM
    DISCLOSURE: Late Hussain Najadi and the World Economic Forum
    DISCLOSURE / 2024: All are now entrapped in our locked Stratagems - Escape Impossible - US War Military Op #STORM surfaces 2024 - soon