GOLD | "In 2022, the U.S. Dollar Accounted for 58% of All Foreign Reserves Down from 78% In 2002? What' Taken It's Place? BRICS Have Made Tremendous Progress On A New World Order Through Dedollarization."
Mike Lindell & Amanda Grace | Mike Lindell Says MyPillow Has Been Crippled by American Express Slashing Their Credit Line?! Support Mike Lindell Today At:
Lance Wallnau | Is the Spirit of Pythos Here? Why Is U.K. Sensoring Russell Brand? Why Is Canada Re-Educating Jordan Peterson? Why Did American Express Slash MyPillow’s Credit Line By 90%? + Why Did Zelenskyy Bring In Marina Abramovic?
Dollar | "You Have What Amounts to 25 Countries That Have Expressed Interest In Joining the BRICS, the Linch Pinch of the Dollar Hegemony & BRICS Have Every Intention of Issuing a Commodity-Backed Currency, This AUGUST (2023)!" - 7/13/2023
Depopulation | "We Believe Unbelievable Progress Can Be Made Both Inventing New Vaccines & Making Sure They Get Out to All the Children Who Need Them. The Benefits Are In Terms of Reducing Sickness, Reducing the Population Growth." - Bill Ga