Gag Order | Dr. Mikovits Shares What It's Like to Have the Gov Attempt to Silence Your Voice | "We Can Now See a New Generation of Bots Busy In Creating Intimate Relationships With Us." - Yuval Noah Harari + Say No to DIY Home Vasectomy Kit
Worldcoin | OpenAi Co-Founder & Bilderberg Group Member Sam Altman & Wants to Convince Billions of People to Scan Their Eyes to Prove They Aren't Bots | OpenAi Was Co-Founded by Elon Musk with Over $1 Billion of Funding from Bill Gates
Worldcoin | OpenAi Co-Founder & Bilderberg Group Member Sam Altman & Wants to Convince Billions of People to Scan Their Eyes to Prove They Aren't Bots | OpenAi Was Co-Founded by Elon Musk with Over $1 Billion of Funding from Bill Gates