Prophecy 69 Excerpts Warns About UNEQUALLY Yoked Marriages. YAH SAYS "be your husband or your wife, they will sell you to the highest bidder in the coming evil times ahead" Many Beheadings (mirrored)
YAH'S Amightywind Prophecy 47 - To Be Forewarned Is To Be Forearmed For Such A Time As This! SURVIVAL Zombie Invasion, Carnal Weapons Useless! CLONED humans/foods! (mirrored)
Prophecy 47 To Be Forewarned Is To Be Forearmed! Mad science Clones covered indepth! YAH gives instruction how to fight Zombie Invasion in Great Tribulation (carnal weaponry useless) & more mirrored
2003 Rosh Ha Shanah Dream & Song "HE'S Coming Soon" by Amightywind Music Ministry led by singers Ablewaterwalker/YAHSLittleOne, a ministry theme song - In Description see Prophecy - What If Rosh Ha Shanah Is The Day That I Come?
Over Decades Millions Martyred in name of Jihad (not just ISIS)! Be Cautious with Main & Famous Christian Independent Media almost all can't recognize false prophets. Christians/Jews/Arab Christians/Others in Parts of Africa/Middle East. mirrored
Amightywind Prophecy 47 (audio version) To Be Forewarned Is To Be Forearmed! Mad science Clones covered indepth! YAH gives instruction how to fight Zombie Invasion in Great Tribulation (carnal weaponry useless) & more mirrored
Prophecy 72 PLANET X! "I, YAHUVEH will use a planet in MY wrath to cause mass destruction to MY enemies" "UNDERGROUND CITIES..will be your WATERY TOMBS" Is this WORMWOOD? (mirrored)
Zombie & Clone Reality! Being an Overcomer in Great Tribulation! Carnal weapons useless & more. YAH'S Instructions in Prophecy 47 given in 2001 (mirrored)
Amightywind Prophecy 33 - Like the Days Of Hitler WW2 but they'll Overpower mark 666! Millions Of Holy Martyrs In Great Tribulation give their lives like the Apostles did after the Bride is Taken
MASS COWARDICE/WEAKNESS For Years US Military ignored rape of boys in places like Afghanistan! Told to STAND DOWN! Few Heroes Fought Back! US forces Weak never will defeat Russia & China (mirrored)