Yuval Noah Harari | "We Are Now At a Moment of Greater Change Than Any Previous Time In History." + "History Began When Humans Invented Gods & History Will End When Humans Become Gods." - Yuval Noah Harari
Elon Musk | "I Think One Could Call It a Religion. It's a Religion of Curiosity. A Religion of Greater Enlightenment. So I'm Actually a Big Believer of the Principles of Christianity. I Would Say I'm a Cultural Christian." - Elon
COVID-19 Shots | "Risk for Myocarditis Is Greater Than the Benefit of the Vaccine Products." - Kirk Milhoan, MD, PhD + "Fourth Industrial Revolution Is That It Changes YOU If You Take the Gene-Editing." - Klaus Schwab
Tucker Carlson Vladimir Putin Interview | "BRICS countries accounted for only 16% of the world economy in 1992, but now their share is greater than the G7. This is due to the trend of global development and world economy. This is inevitable. This wil