1. Fibromyalgia and Chronic Pain helped with NUCCA Chiropractic Care in Altoona, WI

    Fibromyalgia and Chronic Pain helped with NUCCA Chiropractic Care in Altoona, WI

  2. Update on Red Light/Nano Blue/Nitric Oxide/Vitamin D Beta Program

    Update on Red Light/Nano Blue/Nitric Oxide/Vitamin D Beta Program

  3. Dr. James Chestnut, it’s not the Genes! It’s the ENVIRONMENT we put the Genes in!

    Dr. James Chestnut, it’s not the Genes! It’s the ENVIRONMENT we put the Genes in!

  4. First Exam Preparation. No exercise or caffeine before the testing…

    First Exam Preparation. No exercise or caffeine before the testing…

  5. The “Synergy” of Why we Get Real Results! Sometimes things only work together, vs. individually!

    The “Synergy” of Why we Get Real Results! Sometimes things only work together, vs. individually!

  6. Kali feels more energetic, emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually enhanced!

    Kali feels more energetic, emotionally, physically, mentally, and spiritually enhanced!

  7. It’s not a question anymore… Women Need Resistance, it’s Required, to be Healthy.

    It’s not a question anymore… Women Need Resistance, it’s Required, to be Healthy.

  8. 90 days of Epic-T: leaner, cleaner lifestyle, many improvements in labs...

    90 days of Epic-T: leaner, cleaner lifestyle, many improvements in labs...

  9. Jorge encourages everyone to experience Epic-T. Severe skin issues massive improvements...

    Jorge encourages everyone to experience Epic-T. Severe skin issues massive improvements...

  10. Heather FX405 1 Treatment Challenge! Low back pain improved!

    Heather FX405 1 Treatment Challenge! Low back pain improved!

  11. Low Level Lasers! Actually heal your issues, don’t just mask the symptoms!

    Low Level Lasers! Actually heal your issues, don’t just mask the symptoms!

  12. Ike with the 1 Treatment Challenge! Erchonia FX405! Foot and Ankle, non-invasively!

    Ike with the 1 Treatment Challenge! Erchonia FX405! Foot and Ankle, non-invasively!

  13. Courtney with the 1 Treatment Challenge! Erchonia FX405! Neck and Shoulder relief, non-invasively!

    Courtney with the 1 Treatment Challenge! Erchonia FX405! Neck and Shoulder relief, non-invasively!

  14. All Lasers are NOT the Same! Erchonia Class 2 lasers are the only Lasers we would EVER use

    All Lasers are NOT the Same! Erchonia Class 2 lasers are the only Lasers we would EVER use

  15. 9 Low Level Lasers at Synergy Wellness! Most advanced, non-invasive Low Level Lasers in the World!

    9 Low Level Lasers at Synergy Wellness! Most advanced, non-invasive Low Level Lasers in the World!

  16. Don't let chronic pain keep you from the things you love

    Don't let chronic pain keep you from the things you love

  17. Lorrie Synergy Chiro Testimonial, Synergy Wellness | Tucson, Arizona

    Lorrie Synergy Chiro Testimonial, Synergy Wellness | Tucson, Arizona

  18. We all have STRESS! our Adrenal Glands/Central Nervous System Suffer, impacting all other Systems!

    We all have STRESS! our Adrenal Glands/Central Nervous System Suffer, impacting all other Systems!

  19. Medications are the 4th leading cause of death, Pain Killers should be illegal, address the CAUSE!

    Medications are the 4th leading cause of death, Pain Killers should be illegal, address the CAUSE!

  20. This generation of children, are predicted to have a LOWER lifespan than their parents now...

    This generation of children, are predicted to have a LOWER lifespan than their parents now...

  21. No more blood pressure meds! Hip pain, chiropractic, orthotics, 28 day detox weight loss testimonial

    No more blood pressure meds! Hip pain, chiropractic, orthotics, 28 day detox weight loss testimonial
