Wireless Body Area Sensor Networks: MAC and Routing Protocols for Patient Monitoring under IEEE 802.15.4 and IEEE 802.15.6 - NASA Thz Biosensing nano (SAI)
Kash Patel | Trump Senior Advisor Kash Patel Candidly Answers 3 TOUGH Questions: SHOULD WE TRUST "THE PLAN?" ARE WHITE HATS SECRETLY IN CONTROL? IS DEVOLUTION REAL? Interview by Pastor Todd Coconato
Todd Callender & Jeffrey Prather | The Great Reset | "Surveillance Under the Skin? WE ARE ALREADY THERE." -Todd Callender | The Connection Between 5G, Crystal Oscillators, CBDCs, Luciferase-Based Biosensors & the mRNA-Modifying Shots?
COVID-19 Shots | "Human Cells Were Meant to Make Human Proteins. The Lipid Nano Particles Are Toxic. The Spike Proteins from the Shots Are Toxic. We Cannot Afford to Alter the Immune System of Humanity Moving Forward." - Dr. Ryan Cole