Robin Bullock | "This Is An Inflection Point In Time. It Either Turns In This Time Or It Spirals to Hell." - Robin Bullock (6/9/2024) + "America Is At An Inflection Point." - President Joe Biden (7/24/2024)
BRICS | "Our Country Is Going to Hell. We Have Power, But It's Waning. (Losing the U.S. Dollar's Status As the World's Reserve Currency) It's Bigger Than Losing Anymore." - The 45th President of the United States
The Mitch Glitch | This Song Is Dedicated to General Flynn & Every Other America That Has a Sound Mind And Is Asking, What the Hell Is Going On Inside the Minds of Joe Biden & Mitch McConnell!!!
Dr. Stella Immanuel | Dr. Stella Immanuel, MD & Dr. Steven B. Katsis, MD | What Is the TRUE Agenda of The Great Reset? Are the Seals Written About In Revelation Being Opened NOW?! What the HELL Happened In 1971?
Amber Rose | "That Is An Alter Ego. I Turn Into Amber Rose for Moments, But That's Not Who I Am." - 3/11/24+ "And It (Satanism) Looks Fun. When I Was Watching Hail Satan, I'm Like, This Looks Fun As Hell!" - 2/6/24
Amber Rose | "And It (Satanism) Looks Fun! When I Was Watching Hail Satan I Was Thinking This Looks Fun As Hell! Jesus Scares Me Knowing All the Things He's Done In the Bible. Satanism, This Is Amazing! This Is Great." - 2/6/24