CERN | What Is CERN Working On? Why Is CERN Located In Geneva, Switzerland Where Satans Dwells (Revelation 9:11 & Revelation 2:13)? + READ THIS:
Dollar Collapse | "Deposits Are At Risk of a Bail-In Which Has Been Sanctioned By the Dodd-Frank Act of 2010." - Makori + "People Have the Assumption That When They Make a Deposit, That's Their Money. But It's Not." - Zang
A Financial Vasectomy? | Is America About to Experience An Economic Vasectomy Without Anesthesia? " BRICS Are Moving Away from the U.S. Dollar!" - Matt Gaetz + Clay Clark's Vasectomy Song (Recorded July 28, 2010)
Vasectomy | Is America About to Experience An Economic Vasectomy Without Anesthesia? "Brazil, Russian, India, China & South Africa Are Moving Away from the U.S. Dollar!" - Matt Gaetz + Clay Clark's Vasectomy Song (Recorded July 28, 2010
GOLD | Dodd Frank Act Bail-Ins - Dollar Collapse | "Deposits Are At Risk of a Bail-In Which Has Been Sanctioned By the Dodd-Frank Act of 2010." - Makori
Remember That Time Bill Gates Blamed Our 'Freedom' For The Spread Of The Virus? While Praising China For It's Authoritarian Measures? Straight Out of The Rockefeller Lock Step Document From 2010...