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Reminder: On January 2nd 2021, NBC News reported that, according to the CDC, flu numbers were down 98% in 2020-2021. They have since deleted it from their official YouTube account.
Hey Alex Jones You Are Full Of Shit! All You Do Is Peddle Emotional Manipulation For Profit$! - NANO. GOV IF YOU AREN'T TALKING ABOUT IT YOU ARE WASTING TIME!
2013 - Wirelessly interconnected nanorobots,1 i.e., devices of sizes ranging from one to a few hundred nanometers, are a promising solution for remote and distributed medical diagnosis and treatment of major diseases
#GlitchUp Why do all the "Good Doctors" & "PFIZER Lawfare" Folks Always Block Or Ignore When I Confront Them On All Platforms With Document Links & Highlighted Screen Shots??? - START ASKING YOURSELF! 👀👇