2 months agoOur "GOV" is waging WAR on (We The People) AMERICANS! **All the PROOF YOU NEED!**UNMUZZLEDCHAT
2 months agoAre you Seriously *DUMB Enough* to Completely Ignore the WAR being waged on you/ loved ones???UNMUZZLEDCHAT
2 months agoSTOP Lying to yourself and others!!! If you "LOVED THEM" you would ILIMINATE ALL THREATS!UNMUZZLEDCHAT
2 months ago**NEVER SEEN** Behind the Scenes Operations Unmuzzled Chat in the Wilderness!UNMUZZLEDCHAT
1 month agoWHY do this Podcast? WHY commit EVERYTHING to this Platform? WHY paint a TARGET on my back?UNMUZZLEDCHAT
1 month ago**WAR** is upon us YET too many want to plug back into the MATRIX! Not today SATAN!UNMUZZLEDCHAT
1 month agoTime to take YOUR Health Seriously/ Freedom/ Free Speech platforms Seriously! Time to Fight Back!UNMUZZLEDCHAT
1 month agoChat with Autumn (Journalist/ Proves her Patriotism through Action! Truth BOMBS!UNMUZZLEDCHAT
1 year agoReview of TASCHEN X-Men. Vol․ 1․ 1963–1966 HardCover #fullreview 11.0 x15.6 in. Stan Lee, Jack KirbyThe Dennis and Andy Show aka DNA
6 months agoSo EXCITING! They CANNOT STOP what comes NEXT! More Smoking Gun! More Flood!UNMUZZLEDCHAT
7 months agoThe Gates of Hell have been OPENED! *100% CRIMINAL* Poisonous Food/Water/Jabs/etc.UNMUZZLEDCHAT
7 months agoCHAT with HEATHER (Lyme/ Mold Warrior, Battle, Solutions, Support, You are NOT alone!)UNMUZZLEDCHAT
4 months agoCHAT with MIKE (Wild Men in the WILDERNESS!) Life/ Challenges/ Don't be DumbUNMUZZLEDCHAT
6 months ago***HERXING HARD*** What is Herx? listen to find out... LYME DISEASE IS HORRIFIC!UNMUZZLEDCHAT
4 months agoCHAT with TANYA (**STEM CELL** to treat LYME DISEASE work? Deep Dive/ Lyme Warrior!)UNMUZZLEDCHAT
6 months agoCHAT with JENNY (Author/Healer Patriotic Book: Exposing Truth/ Corruption! Amazing TOOL/ GIFT!UNMUZZLEDCHAT
4 months agoCHAT with KELSEY (There is LIFE after CHRONIC LYME DISEASE! Warrior brings LIGHT!)UNMUZZLEDCHAT
4 months agoPOWER OF PRAYER!!! Bolt (my dog) ALMOST DIED! Beware of wild mushrooms/ PETSUNMUZZLEDCHAT
4 months agoCHAT (#2) with MIKE (Wild Men in the WILDERNESS!) Life/ Challenges/ Don't be DumbUNMUZZLEDCHAT
1 month agoArizona **NEW** Election Fraud! Truth is we are up against something far Bigger than our ELECTION!UNMUZZLEDCHAT