2 years ago教会的领导层:长老、执事、牧师(WarningThePeople)Church Leadership_ Elders, Deacons, PastorsJesusisComing1
2 years ago令人不快真相:地狱是真实的,也是永恒的 (WarningThePeople)Uncomfortable Truth HELL IS REAL and EternalJesusisComing1
2 years ago耶稣并不是历史书中的虚构人物(WarningThePeople )Jesus Isn't a Fictional Character in the History BookJesusisComing1
2 years ago我并不需要知道食物怎样在体内工作!(WarningThePeople)I don't have to Know HOW Food Works to eat!JesusisComing1
2 years ago必看! 大变迁:基督教界接近100%已脱轨(WarningThePeople)Must Watch! The Shift that Derailed Approaching 100% of ChristendomJesusisComing1
2 years ago要进入上帝的国,你必须结出果子(WarningThePeople)You Must be Fruitful to Enter God's KingdomJesusisComing1
2 years ago我遇到了永活的上帝,并跪在他面前 (WarningThePeople)I have met the LIVING GOD and knelt before HimJesusisComing1
2 years agoBlasphemous Thoughts are Demons - warningthepeople on YOUTUBE - Jul 10, 2020KatotohananTVTruthTV