The Lights Are On, But Nobody's Home: Out-Of-His-Mind Faux-President Biden Basically Announces Plan To End The World! AND THEN There's Mitch McConnell.. | #HOWto #StopPayingTaxes #EndTheFedForThem #PeopleWhoCantEvenTalkSayTheyreGoingToBombRussia
THE FINAL RALLY FOR ELECTION 2024: President Trump in Grand Rapids, MI Where He Completed His 3rd of 3 Rallies in One Day—The Eve of Election Day (11/4/24) | Rally 3 of 3
President Trump Interviewed on the PBD Podcast (10/17/24) | WE in 5D: Trump's BEST Interview of His Political Career. Mind You, Podcasts (YOU!) Are The Future [and The Future is NOW].