2 years agofraction// fraction types// what is fraction type// number//hindi and english #6th #numbernishangi
1 year agowhat is lcm// what is lasavi/ what is lowest common multiple/ number/ #6th /hindi and Englishnishangi
2 years agointroduction integers or positive and negative number in hindi or english/ 6th classnishangi
2 years agowhat is the quarter past, half past,A quarter to/ quarter past/a quarter to/ half past Hindi Englishnishangi
2 years agosquare and rectangle perimeter formula//5 th/ square formula//rectangle formula /hindi & englishnishangi
2 years agowhat is line segment,line,ray,paraller line,intersection line// 6th class//Hindi and Englishnishangi
2 years agoexchangeing big coins and notes for smaller ones// 4 th coin changeing hindi and englishnishangi