Alex Jones “WENT THERE” Today (6/8/23)…….. Project Blue Beam, A.I., No Beginning & No End, Reincarnation, and a WHOLE Lot More; Semi-Challenging What is Thought of as His Christian Core Audience! | Opens with 4 Min WE in 5D Commentary/Intro.
Patriot Streetfighter UNINVITED, and Just the Same Removed Himself, from the Christian NPC Perverse MAGA 3D-Vibe Celebrity-Driven “Make Me Great Again” Corporate-Conservative with Typical Anti-Semite Talking Points… “Reawaken America Tour”!
The Constitution and Declaration of Independence Written by Christians… or Freemasons? (Duhrrr) The Term “[Judeo] Christian” Refers to the Age of the Knowledge as Practiced by the Mystic Kristics BEFORE the Council of Nicaea Invented Christianity!