1 year agoTida dog dogs dog 有名な犬 famous dog perro famoso знаменитая собака chien célèbre cane famoso تیدا سگTida Dog is the most famous Police and Rescue dog on Instagram
1 year agoآموزش تربیت سگ تیدا خانم سگ تیدا و شیلا سگ باهوش dog in garden dog dogs famous dog in garden dogs سگTida Dog is the most famous Police and Rescue dog on Instagram
3 years agoCooper's Hawk Rescue & Release - Texas (December 2018)Texas Organic Farming, Weather & Wildlife
8 years agoRoketa 150 scooter. Hawk 250 Vee put a new motor in his Scooter . Silly Dunkin' DonutsMotoCheez
2 years agoAlabama Thunder Chickens are all over now! This is what usually happens AFTER season.Rugaru
1 year agoActivists confront NY Rep. Ritchie Torres on Seymour Hersh's recent reporting on Nord Stream 2 💥MAGA Lion HAT
1 year ago역사가부른 사람들 역사를일군사람들,정승민,케네디암살,법무부장관,올리버스톤감독,JFK,오스왈드, 마피아,민주당,댈러스,쿠바미사일사태,미국군부,데이비드탈봇,핵실험금지조약cosmosrich
1 year agoDog and chameleon is my pet the chameleon Chameleon in my house Chameleon is my pet dog cat تیدا سگTida Dog is the most famous Police and Rescue dog on Instagram
1 year ago역사가부른 사람들 역사를 일군사람들,정승민,나폴레옹,시대의승리자,혁명의배신자,나폴레옹,함석헌 ,전제왕정,프랑스혁명,대서양, 절해고도, 박정희, 일본군사학교,쿠데타,죄와벌, 생존투쟁cosmosrich
1 year ago역사가부른 사람들 역사를 일군사람들, 자유에피냄새, 김수영, 서양역사의아버지헤로도토스, 각본에의해농락당하는운명, 제국의부활, 피타고라스의정리, 수학자, 파란만장한 망명객cosmosrich