Tucker Carlson | "Is Any News Organization So Corrupt That It's Willing to Hurt You On Behalf of Its Biggest Advertisers?" - Tucker Carlson | Why Are Bourla & Elon Musk Pushing mRNA Technology? "We Could Merge with AI." - Elon
Yuval Noah Harari | "AI Is In the Bank. You Apply for a Loan. It's Increasingly An Algorithm That Decides Whether You Get the Loan Or Not. You Apply for a Job. It's An Increasingly the AI Making the Decision." - 10/30/2024
George Soros | "AI Is Particularly Good At Producing Instruments of Control That Help Repressive Regimes And Endanger Repressive Societies. COVID-19 Also Helped Legitimize Instruments of Control." (May 24th 2022 | World Economic Forum)
Yuval Noah Harari | "AI Could Be the End of Democracy" + "There Is Chance That the Next Presidential Election Would Be the Last Presidential Election In U.S. History (10/28/22)
Elections | "A.I. Could Be the End of Democracy." "There Is A Chance That the Next Presidential Election Would Be the Last Democrat Election In U.S. History." "Think About the U.S. Presidential Race, AI Tools Create Fake News.&quo
Artificial Intelligence | "There Is an Expert from The Machine Intelligence Research Institute Who States Says That If There Is Not An Indefinite Pause On AI Development Literally Everyone On Earth Will Die." Peter Doocy (Fox News)