1. God's Name Jhwh(yhvh')[translated in English in description below from Cebuano language))

    God's Name Jhwh(yhvh')[translated in English in description below from Cebuano language))

  2. The flat earth debunking: main err of FE popular model,– ONLY CONCAVE EARTH!

    The flat earth debunking: main err of FE popular model,– ONLY CONCAVE EARTH!

  3. Scientists’-compatible Poincaré/popular Parhelia Diamond redundant math! Compare it by yourself!

    Scientists’-compatible Poincaré/popular Parhelia Diamond redundant math! Compare it by yourself!

  4. Offic hexgn model of Parhelia=Scam Even Cauchy dispersion was added „Discrete” wont „explain” FAITH

    Offic hexgn model of Parhelia=Scam Even Cauchy dispersion was added „Discrete” wont „explain” FAITH

  5. Low at horizon ∢degrees, Blender mesh & camera and atmospheric refraction/dispersion |Test Part 2

    Low at horizon ∢degrees, Blender mesh & camera and atmospheric refraction/dispersion |Test Part 2

  6. CHEOPS Antrovis NTV mafia!matnia Zagórski (niejasne energie, cieki? krytyka Boga, latające spodki)

    CHEOPS Antrovis NTV mafia!matnia Zagórski (niejasne energie, cieki? krytyka Boga, latające spodki)

  7. Yahweh Imię („HaShem”): rozumienie (BINAH) Słowa —KAŻDA literka #Znaczenie ma י #Hebrajski #ANALIZA

    Yahweh Imię („HaShem”): rozumienie (BINAH) Słowa —KAŻDA literka #Znaczenie ma י #Hebrajski #ANALIZA

  8. With/without atmosphere sunlight MODEL: „planet” Earth air„refraction”-SHAPE SAME!! at Blender „Lux”

    With/without atmosphere sunlight MODEL: „planet” Earth air„refraction”-SHAPE SAME!! at Blender „Lux”

  9. 🌡Underground temperature convection ⇛ magma absurd!/convex geography thinking system|Only Concave

    🌡Underground temperature convection ⇛ magma absurd!/convex geography thinking system|Only Concave

  10. Biblical stars idea UNIFIED w/meteors! Strong's Concordance bigger ideas than goyim #interplanetary

    Biblical stars idea UNIFIED w/meteors! Strong's Concordance bigger ideas than goyim #interplanetary

  11. Color variation in clouded evening÷morning sky –non-Rayleigh chrominance palette

    Color variation in clouded evening÷morning sky –non-Rayleigh chrominance palette
