3 months ago【PL】Dr Byram Bridle mówi o podstawach naukowych zakazu stosowania szczepionek mRNA przeciwko COVIDGloryMifan2
2 months ago【HU】Dr. Byram Bridle az mRNS COVID vakcinák betiltásának tudományos alapjairól beszélGloryMifan2
2 months ago【DE】Dr. Byram Bridle spricht über die wissenschaftliche Grundlage für das Verbot von mRNA...GloryMifan2
3 years agoWatching that happen in the middle of your flight must be scary!! 😢 break the bridleThe coolest planes in the world
1 year agoViral Immunologist Dr. Byram Bridle Demonstrates If Masks WorkCovid Vaccine Adverse Reactions
3 months ago【IT】Il dottor Byram Bridle parla delle basi scientifiche per vietare i vaccini COVID a mRNAGloryMifan2
3 months ago【FR】Le Dr Byram Bridle parle des fondements scientifiques de l'interdiction des vaccins COVID à ARNmGloryMifan2
2 years agoA Sailing Cruiser Must Know - how to use a snubber or boat bridle #shorts #sailingSailing Britican