2 years agoMMA Guru - Rampage Jackson impression #1 - Yall got carrot cakes and pecan pie in Gurusalem?The Wheelchair Jewru
2 years agoMMA Guru explains why Tony Ferguson is losing fights now. Too many soy byproducts in his food.The Wheelchair Jewru
2 years agoMMA Guru - Derrick Lewis MMA Pokedex entries reading - Obese pepsi man loves role playing PokemonThe Wheelchair Jewru
2 years agoMMA Guru - JCS Criminal Psychology impression - Big ups Jim Can't Swim.The Wheelchair Jewru
2 years agoMMA Guru thinks slams need to be counted more in MMA scoring criteria following Yan vs O'malley.The Wheelchair Jewru
2 years agoMMA Joey tells Bert MMA he overdosed on Mayonnaise and Nacho Cheese! And to call 911 for help!The Wheelchair Jewru