Yuval Noah Harari | “Organisms Are Really Algorithms, And Therefore Algorithms Can Hack Organisms." + "China Is Using Gene-Editing and Brain Control Weapons to Advance Its Military and to Crush Dissent."
The Great Reset | Why Is the Media Now Pushing Eating Bugs As the "New Normal?" | "The Fourth Industrial Is An All-Consuming Industrial Revolution. Affecting All Services, All Products and All People." - Gordon Brown (Former PM of the
Yuval Noah Harari | Free-Will | "What Happens If the Government and the Corporation Cannot Just Anticipate the Will and Desire of the Voters and Customers, But Can Also Manipulate and Control Them?"
Ian Smith | New Jersey Gym Owner Gets Destroyed In Embarrassing 3 On 1 Arm Wrestling Defeat to David Whited, Seth Keshel and Clay Clark (Next Up...Klaus Schwab)!!!
Klaus Schwab and Elon Musk | Why Do Klaus Schwab and Elon Musk Agree On? Merging Man with Artificial Intelligence, Mandating a Universal Basic Income and Imposing a Carbon Tax
CBDCs | "With the CBDC, the Central Bank Will Have Absolute Control Over Rules and Regulations and We Will Have the Technology to Enforce That." - Agustín Carstens (General Manager of the Bank of International Settlements & Not a Male Model
Yuval Noah Harari | Self-Driving Vehicle | "Every Year About 1.25 Million People Are Killed Per Year By Car Accidents, So Self-Driving Vehicles Are Likely to Save a Million Per Year. Similarly the Combination of A.I. and Bio Tech Can Provide People w