1. Trump arrives in New York City ahead of arraignment | full coverage

    Trump arrives in New York City ahead of arraignment | full coverage

  2. Mike Miller | “You Guys Think CNN Is Going To Tell You The Truth? You Think I Will? I Am Certified In The United States Press Association Internationally. I Am A New Truth Teller Here In The United States Of America.” - Mike Miller

    Mike Miller | “You Guys Think CNN Is Going To Tell You The Truth? You Think I Will? I Am Certified In The United States Press Association Internationally. I Am A New Truth Teller Here In The United States Of America.” - Mike Miller

  3. Dr. Sherri Tenpenny | “They Have Been Trying To Turn You Into A Mindless Robot Since 1956 And They Finally Accomplished It Because You Voluntarily, Under Your Own Free Will Rolled Up Your Sleeve And Took A Shot Out Of Fear That You Should Have Given To

    Dr. Sherri Tenpenny | “They Have Been Trying To Turn You Into A Mindless Robot Since 1956 And They Finally Accomplished It Because You Voluntarily, Under Your Own Free Will Rolled Up Your Sleeve And Took A Shot Out Of Fear That You Should Have Given To
