4 years agoGuided meditation | Become Lucky | Change your resonant frequency and manifest luck in your life*
3 years agoSarita Sol | In conversation with Jackie Shawn | sovereign beauty | vibrational beauty | holistic*
3 years agoGuided meditation | Create new frequencies in your energy centres | Master your body & energy field*
3 years agoGuided Meditation | Tune your biofield to a higher frequency and remove trauma | A powerful process*
3 years agoGuided Meditation | Flowing the healing love from source into the divine vessel of your body | Heal*
3 years agoIs this the most beautiful meditation in the world ? FILL YOUR BODY QUANTUM PARTICLES WITH LOVE....*
3 years agoGuided Meditation | End separation | Experience oneness within you | Breath / Earth transmission*
2 years agoThe science of Intention with Dr Cindy Reed Ph.D: studying broadcasting intention & mental health*
3 years agoGuided Meditation, heal confusion within you, the planet & the collective | consciousness technology*
3 years agoGUIDED HEALING MEDITATION | Taking you to the void within & without | experiencing yourself as love*
2 years agoJuly 2022 | Astrological ascension forecast | Potential for Lion sovereignty & a heart filled summer*
2 years agoDodeca free energy technology with Master Laki- a presentation. New Earth technology I AM THAT I AM*
3 years agoThe nature of SACRIFICE | Matrix Inversion | Covid Cult | Jab Consequences | Virtue Signalling*
3 years agoSuper Moon Love Injection Ceremony. Guided Shamanic / quantum ceremony to beam love into humanity*
3 years agoGuided meditation | CREATE IMMUNITY FROM DIS-EASE OF THE COLLECTIVE HIVE MIND | become sovereign*
3 years agoGuided meditation| integrate and heal the ego with frequencies of love | find peace | coherence*
4 years agoGuided Meditation | heal lack & inequality within you | Economic systems | Consciousness Technology*
3 years agoHeal The Matrix Inversion, artifice, drama, soul loss, control within you. Consciousness technology*
3 years agoGuided meditation | transmute by fire sun everything that no longer serves you | Eclipse frequency*
3 years agoGuided meditation Ceremony | honor animals & creatures of Gaia | embodied walking unity practise*