3 years ago"Frost & Flame" Resin experiment, wood turning lathe project. Fight child trafficking, ArtForOUR.orgArt Giving Hope
2 years agoThe Canadian Real Estate Market Is About To SUPER NOVA, with @Nolan MatthiasThe Tom Storey Show
2 years ago"Burning Bush" Vase made with a Combo of Cherrywood, Resin, Wood turning and acrylic painting.Art Giving Hope
3 years agoButternut Vase, 3 armed Elmwood lathe creation. woodturning to support O.U.R. at ArtForOUR.orgArt Giving Hope
3 years ago"The Vinding Road" Wood turning with vine, resin and wood. Hand turned lathe.O.U.R. at ArtForOUR.orgArt Giving Hope
2 years ago"Aftermath" Wood and Resin Turning, capturing an explosion in resin. Birchwood Vase. O.U.R.Art Giving Hope
3 years ago"Fall Night" Resin, cherry wood and lilac branches. Turned by hand on the lathe. Wood turning.Art Giving Hope
3 years ago"Foggy Wheat", resin, wheat, birch wood vase turned on the lathe for O.U.R. at ArtForOUR.orgArt Giving Hope
3 years ago"Sliced" Apple slices, resin and cedar wood turned into a bowl / vase. Wood and Resin TurningArt Giving Hope
4 years ago"Autumn Windows". Fall leaves, resin, Birch Wood bowl wood turning. Support O.U.R. at ArtForOUR.orgArt Giving Hope
2 years ago"Change" How to make a wood resin Vase with leaves. Spring & Fall transition depicted in cederArt Giving Hope