Devin Nunes | The TRUTH About TRUTH from TRUTHSocial CEO Devin Nunes + Meet Founder Jacob Wells + + 131 Tix Remain for June 7-8 Detroit, ReAwaken with Kash, Eric Trump, Flynn
De-Dollarization | Are 41 Countries Looking to Joining BRICS? 85% of The Global Population to Dump the U.S. Dollar | "All of the New Things Are Being Put In Place to Be Free from the Western Hegemony." - Andy Schectman
COVID Shots | Chris Cuomo Injured from COVID-19 Vaccines? Bill Gates Admits COVID-19 Shots Contain Nanotechnology? "The Pfizer Vaccine Reverse Transcribes And Installs DNA Into the Human Genome." - Doctor McCullough
Artificial Intelligence | "Digital Super Intelligence Might Be the Most Significant Technology That Man Ever Creates. They Are Aiming to Get $100 Billion from Somewhere to Create Digital god." - Elon Musk
Entrepreneurship Podcast | Business Growth & Mentorship 101 | "No one lives long enough to learn everything they need to learn starting from scratch. To be successful, we have to find people who have already paid the price." - Brian Tracy
Peter Navarro | “We Have MAGA. Now With RJK Jr. Teaming Up, We Have MAHA.” - Peter Navarro + Should Jack Smith & Fauci Be Bunk Mates In Prison? | “The Vaccine Destroys Your Immune System.” - Navarro + Dr. Judy Mikovits