Culture War | Is Bill Gates Coming For Our Cows Because of Burping? | Guests: Geordan & Nace Roberts | “God’s Going to Use What You Have” | “We Have Less Cattle Now Than We’ve Ever Had”
Culture War | Kammunist Kamala Harris? | What Have You Done For Me Lately? | Dr. Edwin Vieira | Harvard Law Graduate & Constitutional Attorney | Price Controls & Unrealized Capital Gains Taxes
Gold | Is the Dollar on the Verge of a Total Collapse? | Why Now? | Clay Clark | BRICS Nations De-dollarizing and Militarizing at the Same Time | “Your Currency is Only as Strong as the Demand For it”
Culture War | Former Atheist and U.S. Navy Fighter Pilot Opens Catholic Classical School | Lt. Commander Ali Ghaffari | Fighting for the American Renaissance of Truth From Faith | Divine Mercy Academy
Mother Exposes How Daughter Indoctrinated into Transgenderism in Colorado Public School in THREE Hours | Erin Lee | Colorado Now Legally Forcing Teachers to Socially Transition Children and Hide From Parents | Movie- Art Club | Protect Kids Colorado
Dr. Stella Immanuel | “If We Are Going to Win This Battle, it is Time For The Church to Get Back to The Order of Sacrifice” | Secret Service Mole? | Spiritual Battle | 40 Day Prayer Program For Election
Clay Clark | “The U.S. Dollar is on it’s Death Bed” | It’s Not if But When | How Can We Prepare Now? | “There is an Attack on Our Health and Our Wealth That is Coming”