2 years ago'Special Ops' Behind Enemy Lines | James E Mack Royal Marines | Bought The T-Shirt PodcastCHRIS THRALL
2 years ago2 Para Battle For Goose Green | Nigel 'Spud' Ely | Special Air Service | Bought The T-Shirt PodcastCHRIS THRALL
2 years agoFirst Look At This Action Thriller Game Made By Rockstar | Max Payne Episode 3 ENDINGHappyGatt
4 years agoEmpire State Base Jump | Mike McCarthy | 565 RLD Para Sigs | Falklands | Bought The T-Shirt #118CHRIS THRALL
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2 years ago'Royal Marines Prepare To Welcome FIRST Female Commando' | Forces News | A Royal Marine Reacts ...CHRIS THRALL