9 months ago3) First and Ten: A Study of the Systematic Resurgence of Pauline Truth (2015 Louisville Conference)Grace Life Bible Church
7 months ago79) Galatians 6:2 Bear Ye One Another’s Burdens: Addressing QuestionsGrace Life Bible Church
6 months ago83) Galatians 6:10-11 Doing Good Unto All Men & Paul’s Writing PracticesGrace Life Bible Church
11 months agoDeny Yourself, Surrender to God’s will, and allow Christ Jesus to guide you into finding yourself.BlessedBeyondBelief8
4 months agoDon’t walk in darkness, Surrender to God’s will and let Jesus’ Light shine through you.BlessedBeyondBelief8
10 months agoBe humble and God our Father will let His Mighty Power flow through you.BlessedBeyondBelief8
8 months agoLet God ,the Creator of all things, prune you to be even more fruitful.BlessedBeyondBelief8