Oprah Worked with George Soros, Obama is Now in the Phoenix Position on the Satanic Council (Having Taken Over From Soros), Obama is the First from the Muslim Brotherhood (14th Bloodline of the Illuminati) to Occupy the Phoenix Position
Is Prince William the Anti-Christ? + Mark of the Beast, Microchip Implant, Scripture Says It Will Be Visible + Willingness, The Choice To Accept The Mark of the Beast is Key
P Diddy, Adrenochrome Witches, Video Was Removed + That Time When Chuck Schumer Was Seen Shooing a Being From His Seat, Why Was This Displayed Publicly? + Jessie Actually Saw The Being in the Video
Col. Michael Aquino's Book Trilogy, Fear and Trauma-Based Mind Control vs Catering to Morals/Ethics and Will, The Propaganda to Make People Wear Masks + Emphasizing Physical Reality Only