1. ETYMOLOGY, THE ROOT MEANING OF WORDS “prince” - c. 1200, "governor, overseer; great man, chief; preeminent representative of a group or class” “noble lord" "first person, chief leader; ruler, sovereign," "heir to a throne,

    ETYMOLOGY, THE ROOT MEANING OF WORDS “prince” - c. 1200, "governor, overseer; great man, chief; preeminent representative of a group or class” “noble lord" "first person, chief leader; ruler, sovereign," "heir to a throne,

  2. ETYMOLOGY, THE ROOT MEANING OF WORDS “saint” - early 12c. as an adjective, seinte, "holy, divinely inspired, worthy of worship," from Old French saint, seinte “devout," "one of the elect”, set apart to the services of God,”

    ETYMOLOGY, THE ROOT MEANING OF WORDS “saint” - early 12c. as an adjective, seinte, "holy, divinely inspired, worthy of worship," from Old French saint, seinte “devout," "one of the elect”, set apart to the services of God,”

  3. ETYMOLOGY, THE ROOT MEANING OF WORDS “noble” - c. 1200, "illustrious, distinguished, of high rank or birth," from Old French noble "of noble bearing or birth, well-known, famous, renowned; excellent, superior, splendid; superior birth

    ETYMOLOGY, THE ROOT MEANING OF WORDS “noble” - c. 1200, "illustrious, distinguished, of high rank or birth," from Old French noble "of noble bearing or birth, well-known, famous, renowned; excellent, superior, splendid; superior birth

  4. ETYMOLOGY, THE ROOT MEANING OF WORDS “shepherd” - Middle English shep-herd, "man who leads, tends, and guards sheep in a pasture," from Old English sceaphierde. and watch sheep," "watch over or guide" 🕎1 Peter 5:4 KJV

    ETYMOLOGY, THE ROOT MEANING OF WORDS “shepherd” - Middle English shep-herd, "man who leads, tends, and guards sheep in a pasture," from Old English sceaphierde. and watch sheep," "watch over or guide" 🕎1 Peter 5:4 KJV

  5. ETYMOLOGY, THE ROOT MEANING OF WORDS “princess” - late 14c., "woman of royal or noble birth; daughter or wife of a ruler or prince; 🕎1 Peter 3:6 “Even as Sara obeyed Abraham, calling him lord: whose daughters ye are”

    ETYMOLOGY, THE ROOT MEANING OF WORDS “princess” - late 14c., "woman of royal or noble birth; daughter or wife of a ruler or prince; 🕎1 Peter 3:6 “Even as Sara obeyed Abraham, calling him lord: whose daughters ye are”

  6. Crisis in Church Leadership - Standards for Shepherds - Restoration & Recommissioning

    Crisis in Church Leadership - Standards for Shepherds - Restoration & Recommissioning

  7. ETYMOLOGY, THE ROOT MEANING OF WORDS “Israelite” - mid-14c., "a Jew; one of the people of ancient Israel, a descendant of Israel or Jacob," Jacob and extended to his descendants, from sara "he fought, contended"

    ETYMOLOGY, THE ROOT MEANING OF WORDS “Israelite” - mid-14c., "a Jew; one of the people of ancient Israel, a descendant of Israel or Jacob," Jacob and extended to his descendants, from sara "he fought, contended"

  8. Mishearing the Lord Due to Idolatry or Impurities of the Heart - Idolizing Ministers

    Mishearing the Lord Due to Idolatry or Impurities of the Heart - Idolizing Ministers

  9. Can the Lord Allow Communication with Saints in Heaven? - Scriptural Understanding

    Can the Lord Allow Communication with Saints in Heaven? - Scriptural Understanding

  10. Types of False Prophetic Ministry - False Prophecy Concerning America

    Types of False Prophetic Ministry - False Prophecy Concerning America

  11. Rick Joyner Statement on Chris Reed - MorningStar Ministries

    Rick Joyner Statement on Chris Reed - MorningStar Ministries

  12. Presidential Debate 2024~ #america #love #church #endtimes #presidentialdebate2024

    Presidential Debate 2024~ #america #love #church #endtimes #presidentialdebate2024

  13. Unrighteous Judgment by Church Leaders - King David Narrative - False Mercy - Sexual Sin in Leaders

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