Barbarian Mowz Verified


I'm Barbarian Mowz, the leader of the Barbarians clan! I play a LOT of niche games and I do whatever I want on this channel, but you can expect gaming, comic book talk, retro games, news about games I play, and reviews of games that I enjoy here. I don't have a concrete permanent schedule but 70% of the time you will be able to catch me between 12PM-4PM eastern if I'm streaming that day! Or not. Who knows? I'm a mid-20s Scientist with an Undergrad specializing in Game Design! I also have a lot of informal education on a wide variety of topics and am a lifelong student. Talk to me about gaming, science, science fiction, fantasy, politics, or even horror! I will openly share my opinion and openly listen to yours in good faith. Links to other Barbarians on Rumble: Barbarian Bullet - B. Nick D.R. - Kinny - Lesserdoom -

Oliver Bardwell Podcast


Welcome to the "Oliver Bardwell Podcast," where insightful conversations converge. Join me, your host Oliver Bardwell, author, speaker, and seeker of wisdom. Together, we'll engage in thought-provoking dialogues that span spirituality, unity, and diverse perspectives. Explore respectful discussions with legislators, doctors, education experts, and guests from all walks of life, as we dive into a myriad of intriguing topics. From the heart of Iowa to the world, let's embark on a journey of discovery and understanding.

Barbara O'Neill en español


¡Bienvenidos a nuestro canal de Rumble dedicado al bienestar y la salud natural! 🌿🌞 En este espacio, nos complace presentarles un proyecto especial en el que traducimos, doblamos con IA y compartimos en español las enseñanzas y la sabiduría de una renombrada naturópata y conferencista australiana, Bárbara O'Neill. Nuestra misión es brindar acceso a valiosos conocimientos sobre remedios naturales y prácticas para el cuidado del cuerpo a los hispanohablantes, con el objetivo de fomentar la prevención de enfermedades y el fortalecimiento de la salud integral. Acompáñenos en este emocionante viaje hacia un estilo de vida más saludable y armonioso. Aquí encontrarán información relevante, consejos prácticos y perspectivas enriquecedoras sobre cómo prevenir enfermedades y optimizar su bienestar. ¡Únanse a nuestra comunidad y descubran cómo pueden incorporar hábitos saludables y naturales en sus vidas diarias! ¡Vamos juntos hacia un futuro más brillante y saludable! 🌱✨

Professor Barth


Dr. Jonathan Barth is Associate Professor of History at Arizona State University and Associate Director of the Center for American Institutions at ASU. He specializes in the history of money, banking, empire, and politics in the early modern period. Barth received his Ph.D. in History from George Mason University in 2014. His first book, "The Currency of Empire: Money and Power in English America in the Seventeenth Century," was published by Cornell University Press in 2021. Barth has also published in The William and Mary Quarterly, Oxford University Press, the Journal of World History, the Journal of Policy History, the New England Quarterly, the North Carolina Historical Review, and the South Dakota Law Review. Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed on this channel are my own and do not necessarily reflect the views of Arizona State University, nor are any of the views necessarily endorsed by Arizona State University.