Herbs Honey & Plant-Based Foods


Hey everyone! I’m Skippy, a Herbalist, and Plant-Based Whole Foods Chef. On this channel, you will learn how to incorporate medicinal herbs and plant-based Whole Foods, into your everyday life. I will share some tasty gluten-free, raw, and cooked recipes completely from whole plant-based foods that you and your family can really appreciate. I’m also going to share my knowledge wisdom and understanding of my favorite kinds of natural healing herbs that can be used as medicine or even in teas. Alongside details on fasting for better health.

The Plant-based Lifestyle Is Optimal! Genesis 1:29


Plant-based, Health, Healing, Nature... What is this channel about? It is all about sharing the good news of Plant-based eating and how through nourishing your body, the body can, in most instances, heal itself. Through an unscripted, laid back and chit chatty format, we share our lives, our truths, our views on many matters not limited to Plant-based. The most important decision we make daily, is what we eat. 300 million cells are replaced daily. It is what we eat today that decides who we are tomorrow, quite literally. We are not experts. We are not giving advice. We are giving out our truths and having fun in the process. We hope that your life will be blessed in the process.