UFOs, Aliens, Space and Government Cover-ups


We indulge into life from other planets, how they get here and the government knowing about it and hiding the truth. Two Biggest Government cover-ups: Aliens and their technology and the Climate Change Hoax. If you like to make a donation to support the content please go to: https://dieholdfoundation.com/ for Doug Vogt https://drstevengreer.com/donate-and-support/ for Dr. Steven Greer https://www.extraordinarybeliefs.com/shop for Jeremy Corbell

Government Accountability Institute


The Government Accountability Institute (GAI) is a nonpartisan team of researchers, writers, editors, fact-checkers, and subject matter experts who work to uncover those politicians who abuse public service to feather their own nests and enrich their own families and associates. This channel is dedicated to highlighting all of their work and work and research, and how GAI is making waves in the broad political arena holding corrupt politicians and governments accountable. GAI is a tax-exempt, non-profit organization under the IRS’s 501(c)(3) rules. We rely entirely on contributions from individual donors and foundations to pursue our work and accept no government funds of any kind.

SHADOW_Government 1899_Republic_of_Philippines


The Shadow Government is the putative reflection of the envisioned Structures that will operate as the restored Philippine First Republic under the 1899 Philippine Constitution. The Shadow Quad Media Station will broadcast, print and post to updates us. Join Zoom Plenary Session, Every Saturday 8:AM to 12:NN Manila Time https://us02web.zoom.us/j/3686634657?pwd=dHZmWWIyYStXME00ZUJ1alJtLzdtdz09 Meeting ID: 368 663 4657 Passcode: congress11 Need to Open your Camera, Real Name and Location to be acknowledge during session.