We've Read The Documents


The official Rumble for the channel We've Read The Documents. Many people claim they have the documents, but we are the few that have read them! Follow me on X: https://twitter.com/weve_read Follow me on Gorf.com: https://www.gorf.com/Weve_Read I have made a Patreon for We've Read the Documents. You can subscribe for $5 a month if you would like for more / earlier content. New content will be uploaded to all services, no need to subscribe to all of them. https://www.patreon.com/weveread I have made a Substack for We've Read the Documents. You can subscribe for $5 a month if you would like access to the rough drafts of my book on The Finders and other blogs. https://weveread.substack.com/ Donations: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/weveread All subscriptions and donations are much appreciated! The views, opinions, and information, guests, our Rumble channel's live Rumble channel's comment section disclose do not necessarily reflect the views or beliefs of We've Read the Documents. Do your own research! God Bless!

A well-balanced diet full of essential nutrients can help support a healthy life. However, people with deficiencies, certain diseases and conditions, or with evolving nutritional needs at different stages of life may consider dietary supplements to add mi


My personal weight loss journey of 45 pounds changed my life— it inspired me to start Love Sweat Fitness and begin this amazing journey of helping ALL women make healthy changes in their lives! I love sharing quick workouts, healthy routines, travel vlogs, real talk, how-to’s and easy meal ideas. New uploads twice per week. Subscribe to my Youtube channel to join Team LSF and improve your life with healthy habits that actually stick! Join over a million women using LSF workouts, challenges, healthy recipes, lifestyle tips and MORE! If you want to start to see amazing results like I did, download LSF The App on Apple or Android for effective workouts that you will actually have fun with and get results.

Chefe Empreendedor

1 Follower

Quer sair das dívidas, mudar de vida, investir e empreender? vem comigo! 🥇 Quero te ajudar a fazer o que eu fiz: SAIR DAS DÍVIDAS E SE TORNAR UM INVESTIDOR / EMPREENDEDOR, Vamos caminhar juntos aprendendo sobre finanças e empreendedorismo, e traçar uma rota juntos, de um jeito simples e direto, rumo ao nosso primeiro MILHÃO! Não importa a sua origem, se humilde ou de uma família rica, aqui vamos caminhar juntos aprendendo a cada novo vídeo e crescendo cada vez mais, subindo um degrau de cada vez na escada da vida. ACREDITE! VOCÊ É CAPAZ E VOCÊ VAI CONSEGUIR! E ai, vamos mudar de vida, sair das dívidas e passar a investir e empreender? 👊🚀

Good health is not something we can buy. However, it can be an extremely valuable savings account.

1 Follower

Healthcare refers to the maintenance and improvement of a person's physical, mental, and emotional well-being through the prevention, diagnosis, treatment, and management of illness, disease, injury, and other health conditions. Healthcare services can be provided by a variety of professionals, including doctors, nurses, therapists, and other allied health professionals, and can be delivered in a variety of settings, including hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare facilities. Healthcare encompasses a wide range of activities, including primary care, specialized medical care, preventative care, wellness programs, and public health initiatives. Access to quality healthcare is considered a fundamental human right, and is a critical component of a healthy and thriving society.