Klartext im O-Ton


Dieser Kanal ist eine private Initiative von Christen in Österreich. Wir möchten hiermit einen Beitrag leisten, um eine sachliche Auseinandersetzung rund um das Thema "Corona" zu fördern.\\n \\nDabei ist uns das Recht auf freie Meinungsäußerung sehr wichtig. Wir nehmen es für uns selbst in Anspruch, und wollen es auch den Personen zugestehen, mit denen wir Interviews führen. Die Inhalte der Kommentare müssen nicht zwangsweise mit unserer persönlichen Meinung übereinstimmen.\\n\\n▶️ Folgt uns auf Telegram:\\nhttps://t.me/klartextimotn

Preston Stewart


I'm Preston Stewart, a US Army veteran and current member of the Army Reserves. I've spent most of my life tied in with the military, and have always enjoyed learning about and discussing international relations and national security. *The views and opinions presented herein are my own and do not necessarily represent the views of DoD or its Components. Appearance of, or reference to, any commercial products or services does not constitute DoD endorsement of those products or services.

Santa Fe's Raton Subdivision Model Railroad


Santa Fe's Raton Subdivision Model Railroad is dedicated to the role that the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railroad played in developing the Great Southwest of the United States with the nation's second transcontinental railroad. Santa Fe’s Raton Subdivision Model Railroad brings this story to life in HO scale with lifelike realism. Our video collection is designed to showcase the Santa Fe Railroad's real history with an emphasis on their need to develop extremely powerful Steam and Diesel Locomotives to get trains over Raton Pass. Why do we have videos about AT&SF Steam Locomotive 5000 (Madame Queen)? Madame Queen was the ultimate development of steam locomotive technology on the Santa Fe Railway. Raton Pass created the need for Madame Queen's extreme power. The grades on SF's Raton Subdivision MR are prototypically accurate HO scale versions of the real Raton Pass grades. Join us as we explore the exciting and historic railroad action on the steepest track in the U.S.