114 FollowersProfessorAdam
91 FollowersSoraluciscaelum
59 Followersmisoraaamen guitar&bass
52 FollowersPlay the guitar
Health and Wellness
44 FollowersHealth and Wellness strengthened through mind, body and soul.
38 FollowersDr Dave Beer Professor
37 FollowersGreat craft beer and debunking Frauditors
35 FollowersAstrology Forecasts
33 FollowersThe weekly celestial news in under five minutes
19 FollowersI make cartoons
Palu n' Sora
18 FollowersA Smash Anime in the south side of Chicago
Funny videos and enjoy
17 FollowersFunny videos and enjoy
Trap Professor Affirmations
16 FollowersI am not a rapper , I am the Affirmation God also known as “ Mr Repeat After Me “ . This channel is to motivate and inspire people from all walks of the life . I drop daily affirmations for you to listen to everyday to manifest the life you deserve.
15 FollowersUniversoRaiodLuz
13 FollowersElsoradyman
13 FollowersNot So Random
11 FollowersSpreading kindness in the final hour. As the world descends into darkness, Christians are called to be beacons of hope. Not So Random believes in the transformative power of kindness, especially in these "last days." Inspired by the Bible and guided by the Holy Spirit, we encourage strategic acts of compassion. These aren't random acts – they're opportunities to touch lives and inspire others. Reaching one hand into the gutter, the other hand into the glory, & bringing them together, in Jesus' Name! For nearly 25 years, Gary has served behind the scenes in media. Now, Gary and his wife Annjeana are stepping into the light, using media to reach the lost. He recognizes that Satan has used media to mislead, but believes the power of the Christ can be even stronger.
9 FollowersSoraia Dognini
8 FollowersSoramsori
8 FollowersSoraya Quirino - Inglês para Imigração
8 FollowersOlá, meu nome é Soraya Quirino e eu sou professora de inglês especialista em IELTS. Seja bem vindo, seja bem vinda de volta ao meu Canal! Sou professora de Inglês por formação e leciono há 18 anos. Desde 2010, eu me dedico a ajudar meus alunos e alunas a conseguirem o resultado que precisam no IELTS para imigrar ou estudar no exterior. Eu ofereço cursos preparatório para os 4 skills do IELTS, assim como cursos apenas para o writing test. Você pode ver alguns dos resultados dos meus alunos e alunas no meu perfil do Instagram. Se você precisa de preparação para o IELTS e quiser conhecer melhor o meu trabalho, entre em contato!
No Buffer IPTV Service Provider Internationally
7 FollowersThe Best IPTV Service Provider in UK, USA, Canada
Artificial intelligence, machine learning, and deep learning education
6 FollowersZoeYogaLifestyleAnthonyMosoraHealth
5 FollowersTvAlmassora
4 FollowersSora7890
4 FollowersNotSoRadical
4 FollowersThe Fitness Oracle
4 FollowersWe aim to have inspiring conversations with fascinating guests so you can see the true potential in yourself, that you can make a positive change in yourself and the world around you. 👉👈
4 FollowersElizabethsOracle
3 Followerssorangin
3 FollowersAvatarSora
3 FollowersSoram007
3 FollowersSorayaT
3 Followerssoraya3687
3 FollowersProfessora Natália Mara
3 FollowersO canal das continhas de matemática e da letra cursiva