The Mel K Show Verified


Mel K is a devoted lover of truth, facts, history, God, and America. After growing up in a tight-knit family outside of Philadelphia, Mel graduated with honors from New York University with concentrations in journalism and film. Mel went on to spend 20 years working in film, television, and investigative journalism in Hollywood before moving back to New York City to focus full time on The Mel K Show, where she exposes the truth and explores our hidden history. The Mel K Show is laser-focused on educating and informing the public about the malevolent, geopolitical forces that are hell-bent on achieving their goal of ending nation-states and self-determination of free peoples for top-down global governance. Through strategic alignments with deceptively named associations and non-governmental organizations, these globalists seek to replace life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness with surveillance, compliance, conformity, and control. In exposing the true nature and agendas of the enemies of freedom and justice, Mel seeks to find unity and strength among people worldwide. Together, we will put personal liberty, national sovereignty, and the inalienable rights of all people first, now and forever.

Knowledge They Don't Want You To Know


This is a Channel For Awakening Intelligent Freethinkers - Who Always Question What They've Been Taught. Almost everything we've been taught by the government matrix Freemason Controlled Puppets has been the opposite of Truth. Educated People Never Question What They've Been Taught... Intelligent People Always Question What They've Been Taught! THE WAY THE GOOD HATS WIN IS BY UNITING We Have Powers You Don't Even Know We Have - The only way to get this powers back is with hidden knowledge and they using them - If we don't use it we lose it. We Are In The Age of Awakening... please don't drink are take industrial waste fluoride the GOVT adds to almost everything, so we can connect back to source using our Pineal Brain Gland. I am in the same process of learning just like you. Once We start to awaken to who and what we really are, there's no going back to low vibrational thinking and being completely thought controlled in this duality realm land of Adventures & Dreams. New Worldwide Resets are coming, we are in the middle of a reset right now and most people don't even notice. Your Friend TRUTH ZONE II

The Mexican Family


En éste canal encontrarás una manera sencilla de entender qué ocurre en el mundo y por qué. Esta es nuestra forma de crear contenido de valor que marque una tendencia y con la que todos aprendamos cosas nuevas y veamos al mundo con otra perspectiva, con la del conocimiento. Finalmente, nos gusta pensar que con nuestro contenido podemos aportar un granito de arena para que nuestra comunidad hispana se entere de los sucesos más importantes y también que el mundo comprenda lo mucho que aportamos a Estados Unidos, Canadá y cualquier país del mundo. Gracias por suscribirte y por apoyar a nuestro canal. The Mexican Family

Raison d'etre: Citizen journalist, history anarchist and anarcho-syndicalist.


Fuck TV / corporate journalism - the machinery of fascism. "Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed: everything else is public Relations" - George Orwell. "If money comes into the world with a congenital blood-stain on one cheek, capital comes dripping from head to foot from every pore, with blood and dirt" - Karl Marx (Capital, Volume one, Chapter 31: Genesis of the Industrial Capitalist). 'True revolutionary is guided by a great feeling of love'- 'Our every action is a battle cry against imperialism, and a battle hymn for the people’s unity against the great enemy of mankind: The US' - Ernesto Che Guevara. Satyagraha ( “holding onto truth”) concept introduced in early 20th century by Gandhi to designate a determined but nonviolent resistance to evil. ‘Poverty Is The Parent Of Revolution And Crime’ – Aristotle Banned by CIAtube - 'Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?', Latin phrase found in the work of the Roman poet Juvenal from his Satires. It is literally translated as "Who will guard the guards themselves?". 'On doit des egards aux vivants; on ne doit aux morts que la verite. We should be considerate to the living; to the dead we owe only the truth. Letter to M. de Grenonville (1719) - Voltaire. 'To ignore Evil is to become an accomplice to it' and 'It is simply my way of saying that I would rather be a man of conviction than a man of conformity. Occasionally in life one develops a conviction so precious and meaningful that he will stand on it till the end'- MLK Jr. Needs: Egalitarian, classless, stateless, humane society of sustainable and communal living for all. Zapatistas Everything for everyone and nothing for ourselves. The revolution will not be televised. Let love set you free, we are all one. Member. Until workers of world, unite - world-strike as one, together - solidarity of all race: Then all we are is slaves to fasci corporatism - the machine. #FreePalestine from #ApartheidIsrael #BDS #ClassWar #DirectDemocracy #NoOneIsIllegal #NoBorders #AllRefugeesWelcome #MoneyequalsDebt. #EndDebt #Anarchosyndicalism #AntiWar #BantheBomb #EndWars Peace and Love is the power.

Leave The Matrix Behind Verified


Advancement of Human Consciousness via my perspective , to search for Truth via INTERVIEWS, DISCLOSURES, ANALYSES but also pursue beauty in the Readings of our vast literary storehouses, in Opinions and Commentaries on a broad array of topics, including spiritual, cosmic and temporal. If you are new here, then Welcome. I promise to be honest with you, my Viewers, who have been kind enough to be with me this long.... Don't forget to read the video descriptions: some juicy info is placed there at times!

The Market Spy Verified


Welcome to TheMarketSpy, the premier destination for traders and investors who want to stay ahead of the curve. Our channel streams real-time data and charts for the S&P 500 (SPY) and other top-performing tickers, giving you the edge you need to make informed trading decisions. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just starting out, TheMarketSpy has everything you need to succeed in today's fast-paced markets. Join us live and subscribe to our channel to get the latest insights and analysis from our team of expert traders. Don't wait - start trading smarter with TheMarketSpy today!