Kult America


Hosted by Ryan Socash - 20 years ago I traveled from Chicago to Krakow, where I began the romance of a life time - European culture! My obsession grew to the point that in 2006 I permanently relocated, eventually taking on Polish citizenship, the language, a business, and a family. As the years pass, I found that the more I learned about my new country, the more of a foreigner I realised I was. Basically, the complexities of slavic people pose more questions than answers, and in a way thats how they keep me fascinated. Experience Europe through the eyes of an American immigrant.

Teachings and Prayers for Healing from SRA, MKultra, Human Trafficking


Reverend Rachel is a fierce prayer warrior against the injustices in our society and the agendas of human trafficking, satanic ritual abuse, and religion covering it up. She is a survivor of the Mormon occult, MKultra, satanic ritual abuse, and childhood sexual trafficking. She survived religious persecution and abuse amongst her journey seeking healing with Jesus. She is ordained and has an apostolic covering that sent her to Phoenix on the Lord’s assignment. She pleads and preaches for the church to return to her first love, and repent to receive Grace, that Grace can then be extended to our neighbors.