hackerfiscalia Richard Maok Riaño Botina


The narco-state murdered several prosecutors and CTI investigators who were investigating illegal armed groups in connection with the government. Richard Maok Riaño Botina @hackerFiscalia was the first detective of the CTI Technical Investigation Unit of the Attorney General's Office, who investigated and reported 255 public officials of the Prosecutor's Office, Police, Army, DAS, INPEC, Supreme Court of Justice, and Congress connected with 131 paramilitaries, in accordance with a legal order from a Prosecutor. For that reason, the corrupt government ordered the removal of the evidence and ordered the assassination of @hackerFiscalia. In August 2002, he was raided, dismissed, and followed, but he managed to go into exile in Canada in less than 48 hours, thanks to the help of the Canadian federal government, the NGO Minga, the International Organization for Migration and @petrogustavo From the exile, he has continued reporting about the narco power, paramilitaries and corruption.

Pastel Tapas


Savoring the inspiration in the varied facets of life, I invite you to taste the joy of discovery, paired with the wonderful, creative outlet of pastel painting. My videos will take you to the places that inspire me, with the impressions and musings that connect my world with the wonderful medium of pastel. You will be delighted to see the photo references and videos that will take you right to the scene, and then watch as I demonstrate portions of each pastel painting. More than just an art demo, and more than simply a glimpse into the life of an artist; it’s a dynamic coalescing of the two, where the end result is a virtual walk into an artist’s mind. So, join me, pastel artist Debbie Harding - “like” my videos, and subscribe to this channel to become a part of the ongoing journey of Pastel Tapas. Thank you for your interest and valued support. https://www.minds.com/debbiehardingart