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Restore Belief with Nikki- AngelsRLife


Restore BELIEF with Nikki a.k.a. AngelsRLife BELIEF = Beyond the Eclectic Lifetimes & Intuitive Energy Fields I deal with these subjects: The Paranormal, Ufology, Extraterrestrials/aliens, Humans Abducted by ET's, Humans Abducted by ET's working with Govt, ET Human Hybrids, MiLabs, SSP, Deep Govt Asshats, Psychic Assaults/Attacks, Some Cryptids, Hierarchy Royalty Beings, Angels, Higher Consciousness, Astral, Energy Work, The Ethereal Beings, The Occasional "Wanna Be" Demons, Energy Protection Methods, & more This channel is under construction. Videos will eventually be posted here. If you want to see my videos, there are some on YouTube under the same channel name. @restorebeliefwithnikki-ang6962 If you have questions regarding these subjects, you can contact me at: restorebelief2022@gmail.com Thank you for coming to look at my channel. Please follow as more will eventually come. ; )



Started in 1997 by Bukenya Henry Joseph. We sing gospel music in Uganda with the mission of spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the whole world and to restore hope to the broken hearted. This is the Official Heavenly Angels Choir Channel. Heavenly Angels Choir is based at WALL OF FIRE CHURCH KASUBI, Kampala Uganda. The Choir Members list; Pr. Bukenya Henry Joseph, Nagita Juliet Mayanja, Justine Balozi, Pr. Yiga Peter, Mukisa Geofrey, Harriet Mukisa, Jackeline Yiga, Ssemakula Mathias, Erida Bukenya, Jannet Sisizo, Oliva Mirembe, Rose Tumuheirwe, Lukamya Joseph, Robert Ssebunje, Angel Mwambu, Sarah Kasumba, Deborah Muwanguzi, Namukose Hellen, Nalongo Jessica, Sarah Ssekayombya, To be continued !!! For Booking Contact Us: +256702724573 +256757774573 +256782724573