Hebrew Codesearching


We are a collaborating group of Biblical and Paleo Hebrew Students seeking the Truth in Yahuah’s scriptures, studying together to bring a fresh understanding and a new perspective on the otherwise “lost in translation” Scriptures that we all hold dear. In both the Old and New Testaments, a computer-generated matrix ties encoded terms within the plain text verses displayed. With each matrix the computer generates, the image through the Word has a new filter, a new perspective. We recommend to enroll in this course of basic instruction in learning the language and developing the understanding to sit with the Father and be guided by the Ruach HaQodesh (Holy Spirit) in a series of Modules written over the last decade. This journey is unlike anything else around. https://12tribesibriy.org. Here, we have developed Mishpocha, a family that prays, studies and fellowships together. The Names of the Father and His Son are paramount to this and are a major foundation of this Ministry.



Este canal ha nacido para gloria de la Santísima Trinidad Único y Eterno Dios y de Nuestra Santísima Reina María. Se ofrecen la visualización de Santas Misas celebradas según el Vetus Ordo, Catequesis de doctrina católica, Letanías a Cristo, la Inmaculada, los ángeles y los santos, Mensajes marianos y de Cristo y Canciones cristianas. Todo este contenido pretende mostrar y demostrar, que la Iglesia católica hoy ha sido asediada, ocupada y usurpada por falsos obispos y por un falso Papa que obedece las directrices de los poderes fuertes de este mundo, pero que ya no es Servidor de Dios, ni Vicario de Cristo. El canal afronta los retos de denunciar, con apologética cristiana y celo apostólico, a la falsa iglesia bergogliana que hoy se ha asentado en el vaticano, antes lugar de luz, catolicidad, testimonio de fe martirial y roca apostólica. En este HOY se cumple la profecía de Cristo de que las puertas del infierno no prevalecerán ante la inexpugnable FE católica y el SENSUS FIDELIUM.

Codega's Codex of Curiosities


At Codega's Codex of Curiosities you'll find strange, weird and unexplainable mysteries . The Codega was a profession for a man who's life work was that of a guide and a storyteller. He was a person that a traveller would hire, to walk in front at night escorting them with a lit lantern through the streets. He would light up the way, warding off thieves, ghosts and demons. The Codega would bring you confidence and protection throughout your journey, he would remain with you until you safely arrived at your destination. I interview people who've had experiences with UFO's UAP's, Sasquatch, Bigfoot, Dogman, Werewolf, Skinwalker, Wendigo, Ghosts, Poltergeist, Aliens, High Strangeness, Glitches in the Matrix. This is a place where we will explore mysteries, the unexplained and the unfathomable that are part of our very world, or from others. I'll be your guide as we navigate through the and try to uncover some answers. Keep your curiosity wandering and ensure the light remains lit.

The Starfire Codes


The Starfire Codes dives into impactful insights, stories, and discoveries at the nexus of survival, media, innovation, metaphysics, spirituality, expanded consciousness, intelligence, and the truth. Author, researcher, channel, and tarot reader Demi Pietchell brings us on a simultaneously pragmatic and whimsical personal and informational exploratory journey that digs deep into forging a greater understanding of the universe around us and our place in it - who we are, how we got here, how this place works, how to survive and thrive living here, what exactly we might be meant to accomplish, and, of course, "why.” Channeled messages are for entertainment purposes only. The Starfire Codes by Demi Pietchell is a reader-supported publication. To access all of the articles and extended readings, please subscribe at https://starfirecodes.substack.com. To book a personal reading, please contact starfirecodes@gmail.com. Animation and editing by Carl Roberts.