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American Freedom Alliance Atlanta Conference

11 videos
Updated 8 months ago
May 15, 2024 The world is embroiled in a War that is in some ways stealthy and “pre-kinetic.” Increasingly, however, it also involves very violent conflicts – to date, notably in Ukraine, Israel and the Red Sea. Others may soon follow, including on our home front. And now, our campuses are aflame. When "unrestricted warfare" is waged against us (and it is), everything - EVERY FACET OF OUR SOCIAL, CIVIC, CULTURAL, POLITICAL and even SPIRITUAL LIVES - is in fact a front of this war. It seems that the common denominator for every manifestation of this global crisis, whether overt or covert, foreign or domestic, is that Xi Jinping and his Chinese Communist Party have either inspired or enabled them – or at least stand to be their principal beneficiaries. Consequently, while some call it World War III, one might consider that a more apt name is “World War Xi.”
  1. AFA Atlanta Conference - Special Message from Steve Bannon
  2. AFA Atlanta Confrence Part 10 -PM Panel Discussion
  3. AFA Atlanta Conference Part 9 - Joe Gebbia
  4. AFA Atlanta Conference Part 8 - Connie Elliot
  5. AFA Atlanta Conferencce Part 7 - Brian Kennedy
  6. AFA Atlanta Conferece Part 6 - Jenny Beth Martin
  7. AFA Atlanta Conference Part 5 - Panel Discussion Q and A
  8. AFA Atlanta Conference Part 4 - Trevor Loudon
  9. AFA Atlanta Conference Part 3 - Sam Faddis
  10. AFA Atlanta Conference Part 2 - Frank Gaffney