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Hell Difficulty Saga Book 9 Straight out of Dementia Podcast with Rick Liberty

34 videos
Updated 13 days ago
Book9 Hell Difficulty Saga Book 9 Straight out of Dementia Podcast with Rick Liberty - Living with and Managing, Prose, Poetry, and Philosophy Hear about Dementia from the perspective of Rick Liberty - for the neuro-degenerated afflicted and their Caregivers, family, and friends. This Podcast and its topics and content are entirely personal and opinions. It is not based on medical knowledge or training. Therefore - consider everything I say as Fiction and Not Real. Web site: Straight out of Dementia with Rick Liberty, Adventures of Rick Liberty, The Hell Difficulty Saga, Liberty Zone, Tech Zone, and AI Demystified Media, Details, and Links below. - An Episode in the Adventures of Rick Liberty and Hell Difficulty Saga. Media, Details, and Links at: Videos can be found on YouTube and Rumble; links are provided on the web site: LEGAL STUFF - LICENSES, WARNINGS, COPYRIGHTS THIS IS *FICTION* - *IT IS NOT REAL* ALL CONTENT SHOULD BE CONSIDERED FICTIONAL AND NON POLITICAL Any similarities to real-world persons, organizations, entities, events, or beliefs are not intended as real-world representations or narratives. Fictional variations of some real-world elements are used to enhance the stories. SENSITIVE CONTENT WARNING Content and Narratives Contain Materials and Concepts That May Be Offensive to Some People, including but not limited to the following - Christianity, The Bible, The Old Testament, and Traditional Conservative Values, The Knights Templar Illuminati – Both Original Good Knights Templar + Branched Masonic Evil Illuminati, Heaven, Hell, Limbo, Celestial Beings, Planes of Existence, Faith, and Spiritual Concepts, National + World Governments and Billionaire Elites Control and Corruption of Religion & Humanity, Violence, Gore, and Death Descriptions and Visual Representations, Human Abuse and Tragedy, Artificial Intelligence (AI) Generated Art, Music, and Spoken Voice, and My Real-World Experiences in Life from Childhood to Adult and Work in the Video Game Industry LICENSES - ART, MUSIC, SOUND EFFECTS Licenses, Disclaimers, and Copyrights: Uses AI Assisted Creation and AI Generated Art and Music Licenses from Stability.AI Uses Music & Sound Effect Libraries from CyberLink Power Director 365. Uses Music Licensed from Studio Cutz Music Libraries COPYRIGHT NOTICE - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED! The Adventures of Rick Liberty, The Liberty Zone, The Hell Difficulty Saga, The Tech Zone, Tales and Lessons & Insights from the Video Game Industry, AI Demystified, and related stories, characters, content, books, podcasts, speech & narration, Videos, Human and AI Created + Edited Art and Images, AI Art Render Prompts + Editing + Modification, and Derivative Works are Copyright © 2021-2024 Richard Seaborne. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED! KEY WORDS OF INTEREST! AI Art, Video Book, Audiobook, Graphic Novel, Narrated, Book, On Tape, Podcast, Adventures, Rick Liberty, Hell Difficulty Saga, Richard Seaborne, Christian, Hell, Heaven, Devil, God, Angel, Demon, Inferno, Messages, Diablo, Succubus, Succubi, End of World, Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, Bible, Revelation, Old Testament, Genesis, Creation, Seven Seals, Seven Trumpets, Seven Bowls, Tribulation, Wrath, Judgment, Noah’s Ark, Adam and Eve, Divine War, Fallen, Lucifer, Satan, Beast, 666, Princes of Hell, , Spoken, Acted. Story, Adventure, Suspense, Drama, Stability.AI, Celestial, Hell Difficulty Saga
  1. E347 Rick176 Book 9 Straight out of Dementia with Rick Liberty Podcast Insight Stories Prose Poetry
  2. E348 RICK177 Do Not Go Gentle into That Goodnight POEM READING Straight out of Dementia Rick Liberty
  3. E349 RICK178 POEM ALONE Do Not Go Gentle into That Goodnight READING Straight out of Dementia
  4. E350 Emotions and the Cognitive Empire - a Poem by Amanda Seaborne
  5. E351 Book 9 Fading Away from Straight out of Dementia with Rick Liberty Mental Health TALL SHORT
  6. E352 Book 9 Fading Away from Straight out of Dementia with Rick Liberty Mental Health WIDE SHORT
  7. E353 Too Hard to Record Live and Edit_Straight out of Dementia with Rick Liberty Mental Health
  8. E002 Rick002 About the Author Understanding Neurodegeneration Bipolar FTD Why I Wrote The Book
  9. E003 Rick003 One Foot in the Quixotic Stirrup_Losing Identity_Sanity Adrift_Mental Disorder
  10. E009 Fading Memories Brought to Light and Recorded for Posterity and Mental Divergence Dissonance