New Gen 47 PAC Created! Pop Culture and Concert Events Planned!

1 month ago

EXCLUSIVE: New Gen 47 PAC to Whip Up Support for Trump Through Pop Culture and Concert Events with A-List Acts – YOU WON’T BELIEVE THE NAMES THAT ARE JOINING IN!

New Gen 47 PAC, a new political action committee, seeks to use popular culture and is in talks with A-list celebrities to focus on turning out low-propensity voters in swing states and purple suburban counties for President Trump and conservative candidates this November.

The group was founded by LJ Fino, President of First Class Records, and PR consultant Alex Fahmy. Under New Gen 47, Fino and Fahmy plan to hold concerts and music events with famous musicians to rally voters for Donald Trump and other conservatives in November.

Their first event will be held sometime in June, and the group will hold more concert-style events with A-list entertainers, soon to be announced. The Gateway Pundit has knowledge of some of the entertainers New Gen 47 is currently in talks with, and it’s something to look forward to!

Fino told The Gateway Pundit, “NEW GEN 47 is a Hybrid PAC that combines popular culture with politics. We will be focusing on reminding the electorate which Presidential candidate benefits all Americans from all walks of life, and that candidate is President Donald J. Trump.”

He continued, “President Trump signed the Bi-Partisan Music Modernization Act into law, which helped songwriters, musicians, performers, and creatives receive fair compensation for their work in the arts and changed copyright law to better reflect the digital era of music.

It is incredibly hard for me to fathom why people continue to vote for a candidate who has repeatedly lied and made racist remarks throughout his long career in politics and signed the 1994 Crime Bill, which unfairly treated minority individuals and resulted in the mass incarceration of a group of Americans whom President Biden and his party claim to support.”

“President Trump also signed legislation in 2018 that provided more than 360 million dollars in funding to Historically Black Colleges and Universities as part of his efforts to expand opportunities for minorities in higher education,” Fino added.

“You can ask yourself the age-old question, ‘Are you better off today than you were four years ago?’ and no one can genuinely say ‘Yes,’ with the exception of Hunter Biden.”

co-founder Alex Fahmy had similar comments, telling The Gateway Pundit, “Over 60% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck thanks to Joe Biden’s ‘Bidenomics.’ This election is between putting America First with President Trump or continuing to put America Last with Joe Biden.”

“Joe Biden is rolling out the red carpet for illegal immigrants, and people are waking up to it. Our tax dollars are paying for visa gift cards, plane tickets, free healthcare, and housing for illegal immigrants.”

According to New Gen 47’s webpage,

Welcome to NEW GEN 47, where the pulse of the future beats with the rhythm of change.

We’re not just a Hybrid PAC; we’re a movement fueled by the energy of a new generation. We’re on a mission to ignite a revolution in politics—one that resonates with the youth of today.

Our goal is crystal clear: to secure another term for Donald Trump in the 2024 presidential election, pitting his vision against the status quo. But we’re not just about politics as usual. We’re about rewriting the script, infusing pop culture into the MAGA Movement, and embracing the diverse voices that make up our nation.

At NEW GEN 47, we believe that politicians are the new celebrities, and by harnessing the power of pop culture, we’re opening doors to Independent and disengaged voters like never before. Our mission is multi-faceted: to educate, energize, and empower young voters aged 18-39, particularly in Florida and Key Swing States. We’re not just registering voters; we’re sparking conversations, building bridges, and amplifying President Trump’s agenda through social media and direct outreach.

But we can’t do it alone. We’re forging partnerships with community leaders, Trump-endorsed politicians and candidates, educational institutions, celebrities, influencers, and businesses—because change is a team sport, and together, we’re unstoppable.

So, if you’re ready to be part of something bigger than politics as usual, if you’re ready to make your voice heard and your vote count, then join us at NEW GEN 47. Together, let’s shape the future, one election at a time.

We are currently seeing a shift in pop culture, with former and current Hollywood stars waking up to the reality of the Democrat party. While Biden tries to bribe porn creators on Only Fans to push his propaganda, more and more well-known actors, comedians, and musicians are realizing Trump is the answer to this country’s problems.

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