Dr. McDonald Psychiatrist on Mask Wearing All Alone - That Is a Trait of a Mental Illness - Mass Delusional Psychosis is in Progress.

2 years ago

03:00 “there has been a world-wide, societal, acute, sudden loss of rationality in the pursuit of, clinically speaking, a delusion, which is a fixed, false belief contrary to reality. An example of that would be - if I drive in a car by myself, I need to wear a mask to stay safe. That's a delusion, that's not being overprotective, that's not being emotional, that is a trait of a mental illness, it's a sign of something gone awry in the code, a glitch in the head really, is what's going on."

04:30 there is another group of people who are not delusional psychotic, they are in roam of psychopaths, governments administrations. They are like Dr. Fauci, cold blooded killers, psychopaths who know very well what they are doing, who are responsible for millions of deaths.

09:30 any parent who went along with forcing his child to wear mask in school for 8 hours was abusing his child and he has to own up to it

20:20 patient in mid 20thies came by yesterday, took booster shots, because he lives with grandparents. All data shows that those who took jabs are 200% more susceptible to catch flu then to spread flu other diseases. By taking jabs young man put his parents in much greater danger now.

Dr. Malone Father of mRNA Jab: https://www.bitchute.com/video/RhDS65yuBj9q/ go to 04:00 minute the more jabs you took the higher your risk for infection diseases and death. And this is because the mRNA jabs destroy peoples immune system.

Interview with Dr. Mark McDonald, MD Psychiatrist who is the author of 'United States of Fear' and one of the inspirations for Dr Robert Malone using the phrase 'Mass Formation Psychosis' on the Joe Rogan podcast. Mark speaks in depth and the cloud of fear that has been draped over the world since the Covid 19 'Pandemic' and how institutions such as psychology and the mainstream media have weaponized fear to push a preset agenda.


Prof. Mattias Desmet - Stopping Totalitarianism And Mass Formation Psychosis- A Must Share

Totalitarianism Mass Formation Psychosis: Dr. Reiner Fuellmich Interviews Prof. Mattias Desmet-Full

Dr Mark McDonald (Mass Delusional Psychosis) Dr. Mark McDonald, Child & Adolescent Psychiatrist. (full interview):
"That Is a Trait of a Mental Illness" - Psychiatrist Dr. McDonald on Mask Wearing All Alone – a cut from full interview


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